- Trademark Search Service
Trademark Search ServiceSEARCH SERVICE
Whether you require trademark investigations domestically or internationally, InterMark is here to assist you.
With coverage spanning 110 countries, including Japan, we offer a diverse range of services tailored to your needs, from cost-effective basic inquiries to in-depth research.
Our commitment to delivering high-quality reports has resulted in a customer repeat rate exceeding 90%, making InterMark the preferred choice for trademark investigation services. Explore how we can streamline your trademark investigation tasks and lighten your workload today.
Figurative Trademark Search
We search for similar existing figurative trademarks in our IntrerMark database. Through the expertise of seasoned investigators, we offer high-quality reports that are easy to interpret.
Word Trademark Search
We search for similar existing word trademarks in our IntrerMark database. We furnish supplemental reference material encompassing assessment criteria such as distinctiveness and co-existence registration. This extends beyond merely identical or similar marks, serving as invaluable supplementary material for your deliberation.
In-Use Search
We conduct in-use searches to determine if a trademark has been used. Our experienced investigators leverage interview techniques and on-site inquiries to provide accurate and well-founded information.
Trademark Evidence Collection
At Intermark, we specialize in gathering evidence for trademark-related examinations, adjudications at the Patent Office, and litigation in courts.