What is InterMark?

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Save your time

Trademark search takes a lot of time. Use InterMark to save your time!
Often, you find yourself using a lot of time for a trademark search and it would be a waste of time if the search is not your core business.

We provide a high quality search report which frees you from a vast data list.

Determination of Trademark Similarity

InterMark is a system that searches for trademarks having similar sounds.

How to search

InterMark digitalizes the degrees of similarity of sounds by our “TN method” which is based on past decisions and makes a list of all trademarks including lapsed trademarks in order of similarity of sounds.
InterMark stores trademark information of rejected applications and reasons for refusal, which cannot be retrieved from J-Platpat.
We also provide Mr. Article 3 and series search, etc. and you can quickly and easily determine if your proposed trademark is likely to deemed similar if you combine all of these search system and you can save unnecessary expense and much effort.

3 Merits of InterMark

  • 1
    You can search all published data subsisting in April 1992 and after.
  • 2
    InterMark is well-known for its reliability due to its long history of achievements since 1996.
  • 3
    InterMark has search modes "Mr. Article 3"*1 and "owner search"*2 that can search more narrow.
    *1 "Mr. Article 3" : You can search for trademarks which have been rejected under Article 3 of the Trademark Act.
    *2 "Owner search" : You can search for name of registered owner or applicant and will bring up records with the name contain the word you wish to search for.

Feature Highlights

Batch-retrieving search

You can search multiple search types collectively instead of entering class and JPO's similar group code for every search when you use TN search / series search / trademark for display.
The use charge is totaled per search type. The user is not charged as long as you perform a search even if you enter sound or word. /p>

Search of coexisting trademarks with one sound difference

You can use this search mode for preparing an argument especially when you argue that a difference between your trademark and the cited trademark is one pronunciation. Coexisting trademarks are retrieved by specifying search criteria of one sound difference (different sounds, the length of sounds) or objects (class and JPO's similar group code).

Search of trademarks for display

You can search for a part of trademarks for display by Kanji, Alphabets, Katakana, and Hiragana.

Owner search

You can search for trademark by owner name or applicant name. A search range (class, JPO's similar group code) can be specified.

Watching service

We watch published and registered identical and phonetically identical trademarks that similar to your trademark.

Search of rejected trademarks "Mr. Article.3"


You can search for a word which is unlikely to be registered (words with low distinctiveness). All you have to do is enter a word you want to search and specify search criteria.


Mr. Article 3 can be used for searching trademark distinctiveness. Mr. Article 3 uses “refused trademarks database” storing trademarks that has received a notification of reasons for refusal based on Article 3 of the Trademark Act during examination at the Japan Patent Office. This system is based on trademarks rejected under Article 3 of the Trademark Act 3 i.e., non-distinctiveness. Data stored is from 1972.
We update this system accordingly as new rejected trademark and information are available and you can check last updated date on this homepage. The data, which is created by Kabushiki Kaisha Trademark Center, contains trademarks which are registered after trial against examiner's decision of refusal.

Search for rejected trademark by Article of reasons for refusal


You can search for rejected trademarks by specifying Article code of reasons for refusal. Search criteria you can specify is Article code of reasons for refusal, trademark character, and class.
You can retrieve data from January 2000.

A list of Goods and Services

A list of Goods and Services is shown by specifying character stings composing goods and services.

Search for Goods and Services


You can search for trademarks by specifying goods and services.


(1) You can search for trademark applications and registered trademarks by specifying goods and services.
(2) We have many narrowing functions; class, JPO's similar group code, application year, etc.
(3) No noise is retrieved.

Search for bibliographic data and a sample of trademark

You can search for bibliographic data by specifying registration number, application number, and publication number.

Customization of sound

You can find similarity of sound and what marks are registered/filed or not. For example, if you search for “InterMark” and change prefix from “I” to “A”, records with trademarks with “A” prefix is brought up and shows it is registered/filed or not.

Approval goods of Medicine and medical treatment

You can search for the name of the seller, applicant name, and approval date.
